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State Assembly gives final approval to bill delaying New York City’s 5-cent bag fee

The state Assembly Tuesday approved a bill to sack a controversial 5-cent fee on disposable bags in New York City.

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Bag Fee for New York City Is Delayed by State Legislature

A law that would have charged New York City shoppers 5 cents for using disposable bags will almost certainly be delayed after leaders of the State Assembly joined with the State Senate to oppose the measure.

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Southwest Brooklyn continues to fight impending bag fee

Southwest Brooklyn continues to be up in arms over the five cent fee for plastic and paper carryout bags at supermarkets that is slated to be implemented starting Wednesday, February 15.

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Pay-For Plastic? Brad Gerstman on City’s 10-cent bag plan

Brad Gerstman talks to the Weather Channel about New York City’s plan to force stores to charge 10 cents for plastic bags.

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NY Post: Lawmakers trying to roll back new plastic bag ‘tax’

State lawmakers are trying to roll back a new fee on plastic bags and asked New Yorkers to help them Sunday by haranguing Mayor de Blasio and the City Council.

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