Take Action Now!

To some, Fresh Direct may be a good idea in theory, but is clouded in controversy. The online grocer plans to use about $130 million in tax breaks and grants from the City, State and Federal governments, by claiming that the move will create jobs and other benefits for the Bronx community. Not only is it extremely unfair to other grocers in the New York City region who are not receiving such extravagant subsidies, but it is also happening without a legally mandated environmental impact study – so there is no way Fresh Direct would know how many jobs would actually be created. In fact, the environmental review they rely on is nearly 22 years old!

The subsidies themselves are particularly troubling considering the fact that the city’s neighborhood supermarkets are already rapidly disappearing from the high cost of doing business. Subsidizing the move of Fresh Direct would almost guarantee the banishment of smaller neighborhood supermarkets and bodegas. Moreover – does the City and State government really want to go forward with this type of financial obligation when Fresh Direct is currently facing a lawsuit for withholding millions of dollars in wages? Is that the type of business tactics they want to promote?

We urge New Yorkers to take a stand against the atrocity of this situation and the misuse of taxpayer money. This entire project was the work of an irresponsible Mayor who subsidized a company that aids in the disappearance of these markets and the breakdown of a vital community. Newly elected Mayor Bill de Blasio, on the other hand, does not share the same sentiment. He has openly expressed his concerns with this project, stating, “We have to take subsidies away from big companies like Fresh Direct. Give them to small businesses in the forms of loans.” ()

Therefore, with a new Mayor and a new City Council, we encourage you to reach out and express your concern with the subsidies for this project. Take Action Now!

We urge you to print or download the letter below and send to your

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